5 * Toolbox is an instrumentation, control and process data library for beginners and professionals. It contains the most used and most common examples of equipment’s, installation methods and site actions what is needed during industrial projects. This a useful tool for supervisors, implementers and designers who are working at industrial site in projects or in maintenance.
You can easily find information about instrumentation and process related items.
All essential information is summarized together, which you need to know for EIC supervision.
EIC calculations on-line; various calibration calculations are presented with the examples.
Collections of data cards which will give you fast, short and clear information about most common instrumentation and process related items. The cards contain the basic information and will give a good foundation to start learning and finding the information you need. Every card has a brief description of the theory, technical solutions, recommendations, example photos, examples of installations etc.
You can download commonly used test forms, inspection forms and other useful templates for instrumentation, control and process.